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Sunday, September 13, 2009

Sewing: Wobbler/Toddler Pants


I was sorting through Oggie's clothes pulling out the ones he has outgrown to make room for the wonderful hand-me-downs he got from his nephew that are just his size now... and found these well-worn and much-loved pants.

Before I dealt with them appropriately, I figured it would be nice to leave a note for myself here that I do sew for my boy as well :)

Nothing special about these pants. I generally prefer straight-leg, don't care for the tapering classic-cut... besides with such teeny waists these pants give an illusion of Thai Fisherman pants that I love, without all the intricate tying mechanism.

So almost all pants I sew for Ana and Og have straight-leg, but sometimes, Ana's are more flare-leg/boot-cut style, not quite the sweeping bell-bottoms my mom used to sew for me when I was little.

I didn't use any standard sewing pattern for this - just measured Og and cut to size. These are the easiest lazy-seamstress' pants I can manage so am glad to be able to sew a few at will and have it well-worn before they reincarnate as mopping rags for the kitchen :)

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